MCUI song 2020!
'You Won't Bring Us Down'
MCUI song 2020!
'You Won't Bring Us Down'
MCUI song 2020!
'You Won't Bring Us Down'
What is Music Count Us In?
What is Music Count Us In?
Learning Intention:
Rhythmic Composition
Success Criteria:
Write and play rhythm patterns including the notes ta, ti ti and za
Learning Intention:
Rhythmic Composition
Success Criteria:
Write and play rhythm patterns including the notes ta, ti ti and za
This week your focus will be on identifying skips and steps in the music house!
What is a music house?
A music house is another way of describing a musical staff or stave.
There are many different colours that make us feel different emotions.
Your task for this fortnight is to listen to the songs in order below (refer to the instructional video, one square per song)
For each song think about
What emotion do I feel?
What colours do I see when I hear this song
Use any colouring materials you have access to at home.
SONG 2: Positivity
Instructional video
Song 3: Drama
Song 4: Sadness
This task is based on the above artwork by:
Wassily Kandinski
Colour Study. Squares with Concentric Circles, 1913
Song 5: Warmth
If you have completed this fortnights task, thats fantastic! Please make sure a photo of your work is uploaded to Teams:)
To extend on this task students could try 'Blind Drawing'
Listen to each song with you eyes closed/ or use a blindfold if you have one available.
Have a pen or marker ready and begin to sketch what you feel or any pictures that come into your mind. Keep your eyes closed:) Remember it doesn't have to be perfect! It just needs to look 'Ish' as these lines will show how you fee as you listen to each song. You will se sharp, curved, straight, scribbly, thick, thin and lots of other types of line.
You may need to put newspaper down underneath so you don't mark any table surfaces.
Repeat for each song and observe how the lines change!
Add colour to your artworks with your eyes open:)