MCUI song 2020!
'You Won't Bring Us Down'
MCUI song 2020!
'You Won't Bring Us Down'
MCUI song 2020!
'You Won't Bring Us Down'
What is Music Count Us In?
What is Music Count Us In?
Learning Intention:
Rhythmic Composition
Success Criteria:
Write and play rhythm patterns including the notes ta, ti ti and za
Learning Intention:
Rhythmic Composition
Success Criteria:
Write and play rhythm patterns including the notes ta, ti ti and za
This week your focus will be on identifying skips and steps in the music house!
What is a music house?
A music house is another way of describing a musical staff or stave.
Learning Intention:
keeping the beat
Success Criteria:
I can play 4 chords: on any chosen instrument or Garage Band
F (yellow)
G (white)
C (red)
D read the chord example below to know where to place fingers on ukulele (all in the 2nd fret)
I can keep the beat
Ukulele chords:
This weeks task is a play/sing along.
This is a song written by the 'Teeny Tiny Stevies' about the experience of staying home using the chords F, G C and D.
Please read the chords supplied on PDF document and play along with the you tube clip using either an instrument from home or Garage Band.
To begin, practise playing chords F and C in the first verse only. 4 counts on each chord. Try your best to keep the beat.
Here is the link to assist with Garage Band:
You can focus on music only or music and singing.
Re-write the chorus using the theme of 'hope'.
Make a recording of the you playing the music, using either a screen recording of Garage Band (similar to the example)
Or a video of your performance using your chosen instrument. Insert this recording into your PowerPoint for week 9.
Download chords and lyrics:)
choose an activity from Music Chrome Lab
Explore the LIVE LOOPS function on Garage Band