MCUI song 2020!
'You Won't Bring Us Down'
MCUI song 2020!
'You Won't Bring Us Down'
MCUI song 2020!
'You Won't Bring Us Down'
What is Music Count Us In?
What is Music Count Us In?
Learning Intention:
Rhythmic Composition
Success Criteria:
Write and play rhythm patterns including the notes ta, ti ti and za
Learning Intention:
Rhythmic Composition
Success Criteria:
Write and play rhythm patterns including the notes ta, ti ti and za
This week your focus will be on identifying skips and steps in the music house!
What is a music house?
A music house is another way of describing a musical staff or stave.
Week 8 : Skips and Steps
Solfa and rhythm warm up!
1. Read and clap the 4 beat rhythm phrases.
2. Read the solfa hand action prompts under the notes and practise adding the solfa to the rhythm.
Here is the video link to show you how to read the rhythm patterns using solfa:
This weeks task:
Learning Intention:
Skips and Steps
Success Criteria:
I can identify skips and steps (up or down) within the musical staff
This week your focus will be on identifying skips and steps in the music house!
What is a music house?
A music house is another way of describing a musical staff or stave.
Here is the link to your introduction:
Step= line to space or space to line
Skip= line to line, or space to space