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Vincent Van Gogh 

This will be your last art task during remote learning before I see you all back in the art room next week! :)

For this weeks task we are focusing on one of the greatest painters of all time! Vincent Van Gogh. 

Step 1: Watch this you tube clip telling you the story of Van Gogh and his paintings. 

Step 2: Listen to this story book about Van Gogh's series of artworks called 'Sunflowers'. 

Step 3.Describe the artwork below.

This artwork was painted as part of Van Gogh's 'Sunflower' series. 


Can you describe the artwork? 

SEE: What can you see? What colours, shapes, lines,  texture, highlights can you see? (Grade 1/2 think back to describing your Miro self portrait)

THINK: What do you think is happening here? 

WONDER: What does it make you wonder? What questions do you now have for the artist?

Discuss these observations with a familiy member.

Look at the different shapes and lines that make up this painting. How could you use the marks you've explored to create these shapes? 

Have a go at painting it yourself!


Below there is a  tutorial on how to draw cartoon sunflowers you might like to try :) 

Lets fill the art channel with sunflowers today! Don't forget to upload your creations. Have fun!

sunflowers 2.jpg

Cartoon Sunflowers

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