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Paper Craft Project 

FOCUS: Line and paper craft, collage

MATERIALS: paper, scissors, glue

Hi 3/4! 

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend:)

Your task this week is to revise your skills in paper craft. 

During term 1, we focused on cutting from different shapes to create different patterns. You are now going to recreate a photograph of your home using these paper craft techniques. 

  • Take a photo of a space in your home for example the backyard, frontyard, kitchen) Look closely at this image. Your aim is to recreate this space using paper craft techniques

If you're learning on site you can take a photo of a space around the school. 

  • Think about the colours you can see and what types of paper you might need to create or collect for your artwork. (you could make your own water colour paper to cut from by washing paint colours over a white piece of paper and letting it dry, magazines and newspaper are useful too)

  • What shapes can you see that you will need to cut from?(e.g. triangle for the roof) What size do those shapes need to be? What shapes can you see in the foreground and background? This will help with layering shapes. 

  • What small details can you add? pots, hose, plants, trees, curtains, mailbox. 

  • Don't forget to cut designs into the shapes and separate the pieces so we can see the lines and design. 

  • No scraps allowed:) The whole shape must be used, if you want to cut a shape in the center of your shape cut a line the whole way through (see example)

  • Be as creative as you like with your line designs:) but remember to keep all the pieces together. 

Give your artwork a title and don't forget to sign your name


You have 2 weeks to complete this task so take your time. 

Upload an image of your work to art channel in Teams once completed, have fun! 

Instructional video

IMG_7198 2.jpg

Bonus paper craft task to inspire you with ideas for Mothers Day gifts:) Sunday 10th May

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